Newsletter 2

I would like to thank each and every one of you for your help and support for the association "Mesh'ul Hayim" and to inform you about
The developments that have taken place in the association's activities since the last newsletter:
As you all know, the situation in Israel, especially since the disaster that struck Israel on October 7, 2023, has stopped almost all
The philanthropic activities of most of the associations in Israel and yes, we too, were unable to reach cooperation and donations
to allow the association to take off as we want.
Therefore at this stage, the association will provide services to patients in a limited way until we manage to overcome the flow of patients
and their families who want and need help, but our hand is short of saving them.
In accordance with her decision, Katia Citrin, who served as the CEO of the association from the beginning of the activity, asked to leave the association
After the mass mobilization began, at this stage, her right decision to resign was accepted by me with understanding and willingness. Having said that, I have no doubt that Katia's work at the beginning of the activity helped a lot to establish and build the infrastructure of the association at its base.
And thanks to Katia for her work and help.

Sincere thanks to Dr. Roni Zabar for his participation in the mass mobilization event and revealing the need for palliative care and help
For bedridden patients at home.
I would like to express a special thank you to Elli Aloni who introduced me to Katia and who helps in everything she can in the association, as well as to Dr. Mia
Gerstein, who were the "champions" in fundraising in the last project we conducted in fundraising.

In light of the above, the association will continue its path in the near future and will gather donations and volunteers for its activities without the leadership of a CEO, when I will take "command" as an active chairman.
I would ask each and every one of you to think about the association and help us reach donors abroad and in Israel who can help us in any way to bring donations. I am coordinating my contacts in the USA through the Jewish community PEF (we have tax exemption approval in the USA, Canada, Australia and England) And through a mechanism for donations to Israel called Israel Gives - Gives Israel and we hope that we will be able to get a tax exemption certificate in Israel (Form 46A) which will allow us to reach institutions, organizations and companies that will help with their donations.
At the beginning of June, a meeting of the board of directors took place in order to confirm the normal activity of the association.

Therefore, at this meeting we will recommend to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly to replace a number of inactive members of the Board of Directors, including
New manager, including those with signature rights in the association and the bank.
We have reached a brave and excellent cooperation with the unit for the continuation of treatment of the general in Dan Petach Tikva district and starting this week
Next we will start working closely with the chief palliative physician and the chief social worker in this district, the first
In our work with the HMO. In this collaboration, the association member Zuriel Zoltan (an industrial engineer) was appointed
and management) to build a first needs infrastructure in front of the unit, we will receive a very small number of patients to study their needs and requirements
Their family in this area is a unit whose hand is not able to provide the service and treatment.

We have reached an excellent cooperation with Hospice Sheba Tel Hashomer. Following the meeting with Orly, the director of the hospice two weeks ago
And an excellent meeting last week with Ronit, the chief social worker, and Dorit Avraham, the hospice secretary. in them
It was agreed to provide help for the needs of terminal patients in the hospice, I met this week with two patients and their families
At the beginning of the coming week we will carry out an activity with the Yossi Ambulance company to fulfill two wishes of the patients. the one,
A 33-year-old patient, a single parent, who wants to ride a hot air balloon with her little son in Yarkon Park (patient) and the other, a 56-year-old
Asher asks that we take her to the beach, to feel the sea water and to be on a surfboard lying down. This request is also organized by me
Lea Carmel (surfer, our good friend and volunteer).
On Thursday 5.32, I met with the managing partner of BDO in Tel Aviv and was promised to transfer the continued management to another CPA
The accounting and auditing work as a donation, and this in light of the demand of their office in Bnei Brak for a payment of thousands
Shekels per month at the end of the first year in which they gave us pro bono services. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts for that.
On Wednesday 5/92 I will meet the 'team' of social workers at Soroka Hospital in Be'er Sheva, at their request. as
As I mentioned, at this stage we will not start activities in other places, but we will inform them about the association's existence and if possible
In the meantime help from afar.
In addition, just this week, we helped three patients from the families of our friends in bureaucratic warfare and promotion
Immediate medical activity (PetScan, MRI and other tests)
Soon, I will meet with Deborah and Dr. Ben Koren who founded an association similar to ours called Door Life
In order to build a possible cooperation.
During the last two weeks, several more active volunteers joined us. There is a great need for volunteers at this stage
This can give their time to fulfill wishes for patients as well as help with administrative work. We are also looking for
Books and razors for men and women in the central area, manicurists and nail designers for the captive patients
To their bed - everything to preserve the dignity and respect of the patients confined to their homes and beds. I will ask each one
And one of you to help us recruit volunteers and thank you in advance for your mobilization in this matter.

Please, spread the site our URL on social networks and help us reach thousands of people who will be able to know the
the association, to donate and volunteer. The site was built for us as a donation by the Shaferber family and the "Yossi Ambulance" company
Despite the difficulties and bumps along the way, I am very optimistic. Will it take time - months? Maybe ? Years, maybe??
The association will rise, rise and operate throughout the country and in all sectors.
In addition, and without any connection, I am working on a startup dream that will be given, if and when it is established, Kfar Bono to the association and its patients
in Israel This is a company that will provide a home response (personal, mental, social, spiritual, etc.) to individual patients at home, sick
chronic and terminally ill, by bringing the world and its pleasures into patients' homes through artificial intelligence.

Ben Harel, chairman

would you like to join us?
laeve a request and we will get back to you soon

We invite you to deepen your involvement with us and to join as members of Walk Of Life foundation grants you the right to vote at the Annual General Meetings and participate in decision-making process regarding the activities of the foundation.

A member of the foundation can be elected to one of its institutions.

please fill in the details below and we will get back to you ASAP.

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קיבלנו את פנייתך ונחזור אליך בהקדם

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